Day 24: Who am I in this world?

Many people claim to know why we, as the individual human we see ourselves as, came here to earth and into this life. Some of them say earth is a school for learning karmic lessons. Others think we came here to help humanity evolve to the next conscious level. Then there are those who believe it was just an accident, life is short, we should get as much out of it as we possibly could. And there are those who see human life as a punishment from god for our…

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Day 23: Facing Internal Resistance

As I re-engage writing my Journey-To-Life blog I realize that after only three days of continued writing I am struggling to find issues that I deem worthy of writing about. This may only be some trick of the mind to steer me away from my writing as it begins to really challenge my mind. Ideas come and go. What seemed important yesterday seems irrelevant today. As before when I was engaged in writing the question comes up “Is this process really worth engaging in? What for anyway”. I see that…

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Day 22: How do I Stop Being an Energy Vampire

Yesterday I wrote about my behaviors as an Energy Vampire. Today I want to examine ways to stop this behavior in me. When and as I saw myself behaving like an energy sucker, I began to ask myself: why am I doing this? Why am I sucking the energy out of other people? Don’t I have enough energy myself to support me in my life? Do I need energy from others to survive? Do I need support from others to survive, let say through a (well-paid) job? Do I need…

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Day 21: How I Became an Energy Vampire

Yesterday a friend told me that in 20 years I will still find excuses that allow me to not commit to anything, including people, and that I am an energy vampire. At first, I was pretty shocked about this statment, especially since I dont know this person very well. But I also felt there was a lot of truth in it. I had actually felt this way quite some time. But I did not want to admit to myself that I was acutally sucking energy out of other people. Instead…

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Day 20: What does it mean to lead a meaninglsess life?

I am tired of reading. The internet seems to be full of sites with well-meaning advice, like “10 ways to lead a happier life” or “the 15 most important reasons you should leave your job” etc. In addition, there are thousands who post pictures of beautiful locations on earth. These raise an expectation that if you go to any of these place you will just feel great, be in awe, and fall in love with those places and the people there and thus forget all your problems, struggles, and issues….

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Day 19: How to get trapped in the Matrix …. and eventually become free

There is this mind-control system in place that is called “The Matrix” in the movie series with the same title. We are all subject to its influences, and mostly unaware of its existence we are unconsciously driven by it. Our thoughts, our emotions, our desires for a fulfilling partnership or job, for recognition of our work and acceptance of who we are, or simply for more happiness in our lives are triggered by this matrix. Everytime we follow one of these impulses we tie ourselves more strongly to this matrix…

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Day 18: Taking my time to write

Sometimes, like today, I don’t feel I can write something useful. The Journey-to-Life blog is not supposed to be a diary or a regurgitation of mindless thoughts. It is supposed to have direction and make a point clear. But this takes time. The points that need clarity don’t just pop up. At least not in my head. Prior to developing a point and bring it into clarity, contemplation is needed. I often begin my writing in quite random fashion, just collecting some thoughts on paper or in my computer, and…

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Day 17: Releasing the Victim

On day 15 I wrote about self-responsibility and why I felt as a victim and yesterday on day 16 I wrote about my decision to take my life back. I want to continue this train of thought since I feel there is a strong relationship between being confused and the refusal reaction and its release through acceptance and forgiveness as described on day 15, and the following corrective application (deciding to take control) described on day 16. The confusion and rejection experienced on day 15 were coming exclusively from the…

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Day 16: Taking my life back

On day 15 I wrote about the point of self-responsibility and why I did not want it. My argument was that I did not opt for coming here into this life or this body (at least I cannot remember it) and since it was not my choice I didn’t want to take responsibility for it. I did not want to be forced into any kind of responsibility that was forced on me without my free acceptance of it. So I wanted to give up my responsibility for my life and…

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Day 15: What does Self-responsibility really mean and why is it required?

During the past few days I realized that a number of feelings repeatedly arose. For example I had been feeling upset a couple of times by the reactions and demands that others expressed towards me. I accused them for being dishonest, self-centered, egoistic, and for betrying and exploiting me in dishonesty and realized that such feelings had affected major life changing decisions in my recent past. In this I was accepting myself as the victim, which allowed to me accuse others and blame them for my need to change my…

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