Day 84: Stopping the abuse of life–who do I trust?

Towards the end of last year I became more and more aware of the fact that I was looking for truth and wisdom mostly, if not exclusively, outside of myself and that I actually had no inner knowledge whatsoever of myself and by myself, or very little at least. All I knew seemed to have its origins elsewhere. For example in the books and blogs I read (which was a lot), in the opinions of others, in my cultural conditioning and what I thus had accepted about the truth of…

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Day 83: The pursuit of Perfection–a humbling experience

When I look at some of the other Journey-to-life blogs and the Desteni material collection in general I wonder who it was that has made this enormous effort to put it all out there for us. I find it well explained and well presented too. And its a huge collection. I see the same good and serious work on many other sites on the web as well, whereas my writing is generally still very scattered, unorganized, and often times sloppy. I attribute this to the fact that I feel very…

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Day 82: Mission Statement and Plan of Action

My Mission

After having had this deep revelation about my self-deception yesterday, I found that the commitments I had made on Day 81 are not specific enough for me to guide me through the day. This is particularly a problem in a situation in which I live alone with no people to connect with, as in my current situation. So what I need is a plan for the day that is in line with the commitments I have made and also in line with what is best for all. So this daily…

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Day 81: Backed up against the wall of my own illusions

Two days ago, on Jan 1, 2021, I embarked on a 78-Day Tarot-Challenge in order to get in touch with my inner process. I wanted to use the Tarot particularly to find out more about the driving forces that I had allowed to direct my life and hoped that through studying the Tarot I would become better able to use my intuition more clearly as I was sensing that I could not trust my mind any longer. Actually, whenever I thought I had understood something through my mind about me…

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